Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Gwyneth Paltrow ski collision

 In 2016, Gwyneth Paltrow was involved in a ski collision while skiing at a resort in Utah. The collision occurred when a man skiing downhill collided with Paltrow, who was skiing uphill at the time. Paltrow was knocked down and suffered injuries, including a concussion and a bruised right knee.

The man involved in the collision, Terry Sanderson, claimed that the collision was Paltrow's fault, as she was skiing out of control and did not avoid him. However, Paltrow disputed this claim and filed a counterclaim, stating that Sanderson was actually the one who was out of control and skiing recklessly.

The case was eventually settled out of court, with Paltrow agreeing to pay an undisclosed sum to Sanderson to avoid a trial. In a statement following the settlement, Paltrow's representative stated that she was pleased to have the matter resolved and was looking forward to moving on from the incident.

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